Simple oatmeal chip cookie recipe. Mostly the same as the recipe in the link at the bottom of the page, but with more straightforward instructions for use on my kitchen tablet.
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Simple chocolate chip cookie recipe. Mostly the same as the recipe in the link at the bottom of the page, but with more straightforward instructions for use on my kitchen tablet.
Broth for noodle soups. Modified from the Pho broth video below. No ingredient quantities are listed, because it doesn’t matter that much – the main point of this broth is to make economical use of kitchen scraps. If you don’t have everything, just skip it or substitute with something that you think will taste good.
Simple and quick pasta dish. This makes one serving. Multiply linearly.
I created these ammo box templates in order to be able to store ammunition in ammo cans efficiently. I determined the sizes according to the capacity of common standard magazines. Clipping them out involves a minimal amount of lines that can be done with a straightedge and a hobby knife, though scissors can be used.
Simple home kimchi-like recipe. Great as a side or ingredient for any Asian-inspired dish that could use a little kick. Not authentic, but it can be done with the ingredients I normally keep in stock. 2lbs of cabbage, after this recipe, will fill a 1/2 gallon mason jar. Continue reading
Simple bread. Continue reading
This is a collection of air fryer times as a quick-reference sheet for myself, so that I don’t have to go searching Google every time I forget one. Continue reading