I May Have Miscalculated

But I'm pretty sure I can fix it.

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Walter’s Computer Specs

This page is mostly for my own reference, so that I can check and compare specs easier. Cost is indicated at the time of purchase, and includes shipping. Dates indicate time of purchase; parts have been, and will continue to be, reused in other builds. Continue reading

Soap Recipe (NaOH)

This is a soap recipe that I use for my body soap. This calls for storebought sodium hydroxide as the lye. The fragrance can be my choice of essential oils. These amounts will make batches of 1lb, 18oz, 30oz, and 36oz pre-cure weight. Individual measurements are in grams, because my scales are more accurate with that unit. This recipe is just here for my convenience, and for others to try it if they like; I may expand this into a more comprehensive soap making guide later on. For now, for instructions on the process to actually make the soap, please consult someone more knowledgeable. Continue reading

Thai-Inspired Basil Pork

This is my own interpretation of a Thai Basil dish. Easy to make and tasty. This is a spicy recipe and should be eaten with rice. Makes enough for 3-4 servings with rice. Reheats well. The pork can be substituted with chicken or beef, which can be ground or thinly sliced. This is a forgiving recipe, and all of the spices can be adjusted for taste and still turn out great.

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This is a recipe for a homemade Neapolitan style pizza. The measurements here can make one pizza, approximately 10-12″. However, I suggest making at least two at a time. 60% hydration dough. The instructions assume a home oven with a max temp of ~525F. If you have a proper pizza oven, which goes higher, then you probably know enough about pizza that you don’t need my advice.

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Family Spaghetti Sauce

One of my favorite meals due to the savory tomato flavor, and the ease with which it can be portioned out into single-serve freezer packs. This recipe will make 8 or more 8oz servings (for 4oz dry spaghetti), depending on how much you boil it down to thicken. Continue reading

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